Detailing her own journey, one of the world's leading experts on the voice comes this call to arms for women to reclaim their voices.
Patsy Rodenburg's stellar work on how everybody can have presence―and the peaceful self-acceptance that powers it. Presence is our right and is rooted in the singular idea that we are enough just as we are.
In this book, Ms. Rodenburg dispels the myth that there is only one correct way to speak and then connects the voice to the shape and quality of individual words and phrases. Discover practical ways to explore language and our own unique need for words.
Specifically for actors, in this book, Patsy takes you through a complete voice workshop. She touches on every aspect of performance work that involves the voice and sorts through the kinds of vexing problems every performer faces onstage.
Shakespeare can be intimidating. Patsy calls this book "a simple manual to start the journey into the heart of Shakespeare" and that's exactly what it is. Find a new way to approach the text that is honest and rooted in centuries of shared human experience.
One of the best books on acting I have ever read... inspiring and challenging, the late Bill Esper takes you through how Meisner Technique works. This book is essential to understanding our class work in greater depth
Paul Meier is one of the best resources out there for actors learning dialects. His materials are detailed but accessible and these books are investments in your craft that you will revisit time and again.
This is a great resource to begin your exploration of dialects. While it is not about teaching a specific accent, it IS about teaching you how they work and how to better manipulate your own speech mechanism.
This is a free archive of samples of International Dialects of English. If you have a good ear or a notation system you can employ, granular examples of dialects are available here for analysis and reproduction by trained actors.
George Mason University's free archive of speech accent samples. Another great resource for actors looking for dialect samples to analyze and use in performance.
The British Library maintains an online library of English Dialect and Slang worldwide, contemporary English accents worldwide, as well as recorded examples of English from 1950-1961.